19th September 2024

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Connecting the Community

Elaine Stonehouse, Duston Covid-19 Mutual Aid Group

Elaine, Duston Covid Mutual Aid Group

Duston Village Bakery

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Graham Waughman, GJ Catering

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Royal British Legion, Duston & District Branch

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Barnett Landscapes & Radjeep Singh

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Community Hub

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Liz Leaman, Local Resident

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Julie & Family

Screenshot 2020 10 06 Duston Parish Council Facebook Julie

Caitlin Badcock

Caitlin Badcock

Amarjit Singh & Family

Amarjit Singh & Family

Kathy Perkins

Screenshot 2020 10 22 110231 FB Kathy Hero

Oak Lodge Care Home

Oak Lodge Care Home

Karen Badcock

We have been sent a lovely new nomination for our Duston Hero appeal. Today, we would like to celebrate Karen and all she has done to raise funds for the Air Ambulance during the pandemic.

Karen Badcock was told by the Government and the NHS to shield last March 2020 and they put her into the CEV Group (Clinically Extreme Vulnerable). Although being disabled she still wanted to do something to help during the pandemic. Karen told us this;
"Not being allowed out I decided to make uniform bags to give to the doctors & nurses and 2 layer washable face masks, selling them and giving the proceeds to The Air Ambulance. So far I have made just over 100 uniform bags and over 800 face masks and raised just over £1,100 for the charity. I still have about 80 face masks ready for sale"

Karen, we thank you for all your hard work and wish you all the best for the future.

If you would like to purchase one of the bags or masks from Karen, please contact her on 07775 570875 or email her at karen.badcock@ntlworld.

Last updated: Thu, 11 May 2023 14:38