19th September 2024

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Connecting the Community

Duston in Bloom 2020

Due to the Coronavirus situation East Midlands and Northampton in Bloom cannot take place in the usual format. We know you enjoyed getting together to make Duston lovely in 2019 and we had already made a start with some excellent bulb planting by the Junior Section of 11th Northampton Boys' Brigade. The challenge is what can we do closer to home so that we can stay involved but keep safe?

So, after the lockdown in 2020 we came up with 3 ways for you to join in from the comfort and safety of your home. We hope you love the results.

1 - Knit for our Tree of Hope

2 - Tallest Sunflower Competition

3. - Sow a Little Happiness Wild Flower Patch

Thank you for joining us, let's do something special together again this year.

Knit for the NHS

A few months ago asked you to knit hearts for the NHS and the response has been phenomenal. Just look at the pictures below of what we have been able to put together to display your handiwork.

Thank to you all for getting involved. you are amazing!

Duston Parish Council and The Grow Together Allotment have had amazing success in Britain in Bloom over the last couple of years, with the help of you, our lovely community, achieving several golds at local level and a silver at regional. Due to the Covid-19 situation this year, all Bloom competitions were suspended but that hasn't stopped us striving to make Duston beautiful. Thanks to your continued support we have managed to keep the community allotment going, fill tubs and baskets around the village and create our wonderful Tree of Hope and refreshed Poppy Cascade. Together we have safely connected the community and here is some lovely recognition from the RHS.

Last updated: Tue, 01 Mar 2022 10:30