19th September 2024

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Duston Remembers 2020

Remembrance 2020 was slightly different due to Covid - 19.

Our wonderful Poppy cascade was on display for anyone that wanted to visit and pay their respects to the fallen. It was on display and floodlit at night between 23rd October and 8th November. Main Road, Duston also had the poppies on the lamposts until mid November.

Due to Covid-19, we couldn't have our usual remembrance service and teas. But we gave a few ideas to do that could help remember the fallen.

Posters were available for you to print and stick in your windows, and we also asked the residents of Duston to paint a pebble of remembrance and place it on the wall at St Luke's.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.

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Last updated: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 13:53