19th September 2024

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How to comment on planning applications

Comments on planning applications can be submitted to West Northamptonshire Council online via their website, by email to: planning@northampton.gov.uk

or by post to: Planning Services, West Northamptonshire Council, Guildhall, St Giles Square, Northampton NN1 1DE

It is helpful to quote the planning application reference number in your email or letter.

Write your comments on the things that are of concern to you; many individual letters will carry far greater weight than one joint letter or many copies of the same letter. Limit your comments to the actual development proposal concerned, base your arguments on known facts and back up your assertions with evidence where you can.

Things that you may wish to comment on could include:

  • It is not within West Northamptonshire Council's Core Strategy
  • Better alternative sites are available
  • It is not a sustainable site e.g. due to a lack of facilities
  • Road safety / traffic issues
  • Road system is inadequate
  • Risk of flooding or creation of flood risk
  • Inadequate infrastructure e.g. schools
  • The impact on the community
  • Harm to the setting of historical sites
  • Environmental impact
  • Loss of trees
  • SSSI and ecology concerns
  • Archaeology
  • Insufficient garden or amenity land
  • Lack of private space
  • Layout and density
  • Design quality
  • Landscaping

If you are writing to object against an application you should also include comments on what things you would like to see should the development go ahead, this may include:

  • Provision of open spaces
  • Layout and design quality
  • Provision of recreational spaces
  • Healthcare provision
  • Education provision
  • Retail provision
  • Community facilities e.g. village hall

Only planning issues can be taken into account when deciding a planning application, see the list below of what are, and are not, planning matters.

Material and Mon-Material Considerations The following is a list of Material Considerations that can be taken into account in determining planning applications and matters that are Not Material considerations. (Taken from Charnwood Borough Council's website.)

Material Considerations

  • Highway safety, Flood risk
  • Appearance and design
  • Noise, dust, fumes, etc.
  • Loss of light/sunlight
  • Scale and dominance
  • Archaeology
  • Sustainability
  • Nature conservation
  • Privacy
  • Impact on community & other services
  • Impact on character – trees etc
  • Parking provision

Non-Material Considerations

  • Business competition
  • Too many already
  • Loss of views
  • Damage to property fears
  • Where other controls exist
  • Devaluation of property
  • Rights of way
  • Covenants
  • Other private rights
  • Personal issues (rarely)
  • Disturbance during development
  • Maintenance of property

Useful documents and contact details

Charnwood Borough Council's Local Plan This link will take you to Charnwood Borough Council's Local Plan document. Further information can be found at www.localplan.charnwood.gov.uk

National Planning Policy Framework This link will take you to the National Planning Policy Framework document. The National Planning Policy Framework was published in March 2012 replacing all the previous Planning Policy Statements and Guidance Notes.

Last updated: Sun, 14 Nov 2021 20:34