19th September 2024

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Volunteer Recognition Awards 2024

Volunteer Recognition Awards 2024

As part of Neighbourhood Watch Week celebrations last week, we launched the Volunteer Recognition Awards 2024 nominations and we want to remind you how you can nominate.

Neighbourhood Watch Network is so proud of our network of volunteers and the work that they do in their local communities. From Coordinators of scheme and areas, to Association Leads and the Committees that support you and the Multi-Scheme Administrators that work so hard to the Cyberhood Watch Ambassadors that deliver crime prevention advice, they all have a part to play.

The Volunteer Recognition Awards are our way of say a huge thank you and winners will be presented with their awards at our annual Crime and Community Conference in September.

Last year we received over 500 nominations in the three categories and this was so well received that we have extended the categories to 5 this year.

The categories are:

  • Innovation and Reach
  • Crime Prevention
  • Community Health and Wellbeing
  • Young Volunteer of the Year
  • Special Recognition Award

More information about the categories can be found on our new and improved website: www.ourwatch.org.uk/volunteerawards. Volunteers nominated must be Neighbourhood Watch volunteers. The awards are sponsored this year by SimpliSafe.

You only have a few weeks to nominate remaining so if you are thinking of nominating a Neighbourhood Watch volunteer, then do so HERE.

Posted: Mon, 17 Jun 2024

Tags: Neighbourhood Watch, Volunteer Awards