19th September 2024

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Give us your views on Pharmaceutical Needs

Give us your views on Pharmaceutical Needs

North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council Public Health teams are completing some important research on how you feel about pharmacy services.

We would like to understand how people feel about the current services they receive from local pharmacies in Northamptonshire.

The purpose of this survey is to review services that are available, what services people need, and to identify what might need improving. This process is called a pharmaceutical needs assessment.

We understand that visits to pharmacies may often be quite personal, however this survey does not take any personal or personally identifiable information.

We value your feedback and encourage everyone that uses pharmaceutical services to give us their views.

How to give your views

This survey is aimed at Northamptonshire residents. You can complete the online survey using Give us your views

Contractors (dispensing appliance contractors) and dispensing pharmacies are also invited to take part (contractors and dispensing pharmacies, please see the related activities at the bottom of this page to re-direct you to the appropriate survey).

If you have any questions or require the survey in a different format, please contact ph.healthprotection@westnorthants.gov.uk

This survey closes at midnight on Sunday 6 October 2024

For information about how your responses are managed please see the appropriate privacy notice for your local area:

What happens next?

The results of the survey will be analysed and reported within a draft pharmaceutical needs assessment. The final report will be published in Spring 2025 and will be available on the appropriate website:

Posted: Tue, 17 Sep 2024

Tags: Chemist, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Consultation, pharmacy