19th September 2024

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Connecting the Community

At NPH we really want to make sure that all of our residents as well as the wider community, have the chance to talk to them and tell us what they think. This is why we decided to bring the housing office out to neighbourhoods with our community bus

You will be able to:

  • Access online services;
  • Report issues;
  • Talk to NPH about new developments ;
  • and much more.

We'll be coming to a neighbourhood near you, so just turn up to chat to our friendly team.

Please note that some times and dates may change – it could be that our bus needs a repair or the great British weather getting in the way! Just keep an eye on our social media for updates.

We continue to make sure the space is safe for you and our colleagues. We have hand sanitiser onboard, the bus is deep cleaned each day and we will be asking you to keep a safe distance from other residents.

You can find all community bus updates on Facebook - NPH Connect

Last updated: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:30