18th January 2025

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Serving the Residents of Duston

Reporting Crime

If a crime is life threatening, please call 999, immediately.

If you have a hearing or speech impairment, use our textphone service 18000 or text us on 999 if you've pre-registered with the emergencySMS service.

If there is a crime that you need to report that isn't an emergency, you can report it by calling 111 or you can report online. Please visit the Northants Police website for all the different methods that can be used as an alternative to 111.

Please see below for more information on staying safe in Northamptonshire.

Flare Report App

A new, free smartphone app – Flare Report – has been launched to help women and girls feel and be safer on the streets of Northamptonshire.

Women and girls can use it to report incidents and behaviour that are inappropriate and make them feel unsafe, such as cat-calling, comments or touching, street harassment or other threatening behaviour.

Flare is not for reporting crimes in progress that need an immediate response, but Police will check reports every day to make sure that nothing that needs an urgent response has been submitted.

Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold has brought the app to the county and hopes that reports made on Flare will help to build a clearer picture of where incidents are happening and give women the confidence to report things that might otherwise go unreported.

Stephen Mold said: "We know anecdotally that many women and girls simply would not report incidents like cat-calling, street harassment or even unwanted touching to Police, either because they are embarrassed, or they don't think it will be taken seriously.

"We can't live in a community where women accept that harassment is just something that happens to everyone, we must call it out. Flare Report is the mechanism for doing that."

The app can be installed on your phone here, by searching for 'Flare Reporting' on Google Play or Apple Store, or by scanning the QR code below.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Antisocial behaviour takes many forms, from aggressive, noisy or abusive behaviour to neighbourhood disturbances involving drugs or animals.

If you've witnessed antisocial behaviour, please report it to us.

Your neighbourhood can be an area where you live, work, or visit often.

Civil Disputes

Unless a crime has been committed or someone is in immediate danger, the police are unlikely to intervene in civil disputes. However, we'll put you in touch with the groups and organisations who can help. Please click for more information

Last updated: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 12:57