19th September 2024

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A huge thank you to Jenny and one of our members of Duston Youth Club and a regular helper on The Grow Together Allotment <https://www.facebook.com/growtogetherallotment/?__cft__=AZVV6GbwgjPqMVYTCgjyy3dVNsuPJgGwz-Wg2FUTpbA21dOjK0HI08m_yUTZNSDgjDM8-NNT-ifvZjCOd93pTDSh-JS252GgnPI2c299GiBMkb3RZCehOS2vtzhMxuL6kZo5YJs-zb333Po6e1AevWNbYukGdR4I6uFV5h71PPIdnw&__tn__=kK-R> for all of their hard work in making the Duston sign ready for the summer months ahead. We hope you agree that it looks brilliant. If you are passing any one of our planters dotted around the village and you have some spare water the flowers would love a little drink. Together we can keep them flowering for longer

A huge thank you to Jenny and one of our members of Duston Youth Club and a regular helper on The Grow Together Allotment for all of their hard work in making the Duston sign ready for the summer months ahead. We hope you agree that it looks brilliant. If you are passing any one of our planters dotted around the village and you have some spare water the flowers would love a little drink. Together we can keep them flowering for longer

Last updated: Wed, 06 Oct 2021 14:09